New Staff Member! Orion!
By DE Software

Posted on 1st of November, 2018

Today we introduce a new member of the staff! We added our new member of marketing, going by the handle “Orion”. We have our short little hello we held with him with our staff today. Here are his words on the matter!

Hello Orion. What brings you to DE Software?
A friend of mine, DomElement, Referred me to the company.

Since you’re the new member of marketing, how familliar are you with this field?
I’m rather familliar with the area, as I can attract some significant attention from my streams or something of the like.

Have you worked with us in the past? Did you have a positive experience?
Certain members of the team, yes. Most cases.

Do you have any expectations from DE Software now that you work with us?
None that immediately come to mind.

Did you have anything to say to our public before we go?
Hi YouTube! Glad to be on board, look forward to working with you.

Thanks Orion